Upcoming Online

Check out our calendar for our online Bible study. It includes a look at the Psalms, a new look on some familiar stories and an Advent study.

Joining our weekly online sessions is an easy way to jump into Bible study. There’s usually about ten people joining live. So, there’s always a chance to ask questions or learn from something someone else says. Not only that, you can participate with us no matter where you are.

It’s free to tune into each week’s session. And everyone’s invited. You can also order a study guide to fully participate.

Here’s a preview of our upcoming studies:

The Epic of Eden: Psalms

RVL Discipleship: The Study Season 2

Waiting Here For You


Order The Epic of Eden: Psalms from Cokesbury by following this link.

Order Waiting Here For You from Cokesbury by following this link.

We’re ready to learn the Bible together, and we hope you’ll be able to join us.