Early Response Hybrid Training
Here’s a recent email from our district superintendent about a great opportunity.
I am grateful that so many of you recently became ERT certified. Now that you know what the training involves, I am asking you to encourage some of your church members to become ERT certified, too. This will allow us to build a strong cadre of volunteers in our district who have the capacity to provide hands-on help after a hurricane or other disaster.
A hybrid class has been scheduled for folks in our district. The online portion will take place on the evening of August 8, and the hands-on training component will take place at Corpus Christi FUMC on August 10. A flyer with the details is attached.
Please, please personally invite one, two, or more persons from your church to take part in this training. You can also, of course, do an all-call from the pulpit, but that is less effective. If every church has one or two people trained, we will have the ERT teams we need when a disaster strikes.
Thank you in advance for considering this request.
Grace and peace to you all,
District Superintendent