Call to March

Today, I participated in the MLK march. The invitation was to lead the “call to march.” It’s always a blessing to join in the occasion. I see many people who share the fight for justice and freedom. As I walked out today, someone asked if my call to march was posted somewhere.

For that friend, here it is:

Sisters and brothers, we are all family in the fight for justice and love. Today, we stand together in the cold, but let me tell you, there is a fire that burns brighter than any winter chill. That fire is the fire of righteousness. It is the fire of a people united in mission, a people who refuse to give up on the dream of justice, freedom, and equality.

Dr. King told us that “injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere,” or as the song says, “if one of us are chained, none of us are free.” So, we don’t just march—we move. Marching is part of the movement to protect democracy, to safeguard the right to vote, to preserve the dignity of every human being, and to push back against the forces of hate with the power of nonviolence.

Mission Possible, y’all. Not Mission Impossible, but Mission Possible! Se, se puede! Because when we walk in the spirit of nonviolence, God’s hand guides us, and when we keep love as our foundation, all things are possible.

Today, as we march, the cold might bite at your fingers, but let it remind you of the urgency of our cause. The wind might press against your face, but let it call to mind the breath of every ancestor who marched against the bitterness of evil and injustice. We march today because our mission is holy, and our purpose is clear. “Justice,” Cesar Chavez reminds us, “is so much on our side” and it will see us through.”

So, I call you now: March on! Walk together, knowing that we do not march alone. We carry with us the spirit of those who came before, many whose names may never be known but whose faith changed the world.

This is our time, this is our mission, and this is our moment to move forward with power and purpose. Let us protect democracy, let us proclaim peace, and let us do it all in the name of love.

Marcharemos entonando

nuestro cantico triunfal;

a través de la contienda,

vida y gozo vencerán

Mission Possible is before us, and justice is calling our names!