Can we?
Right before the world changed in March 2020, our church council discussed whether to cancel in-person worship gatherings. That was such a strange thing to consider then. Besides health and safety, one of our concerns was how people would respond to “not having church.”
Would people come back?
It’s helpful to reconsider that early concern now.
Are people coming back?
We wanted to show you this graphic. We’ve highlighted what’s important.
This is a performance post from our most recent online worship live stream. It shows how many people viewed, clicked and engaged with our Sunday live stream.
Consider this a challenge. There were about thirty people in the sanctuary this Sunday. Take a look at the statistics from the live stream and you’ll notice there weren’t many more online. Those numbers seem to be fairly consistent.
At the heart of every local congregation is its worship. So, can we (re)commit ourselves to corporate worship? Can we do everything in our power to reconnect others from our church? More pressing, Will we? Will you?
We understand why some feel uncomfortable attending in-person worship still. Please, if you’re sick, stay home. If you have health conditions that concern you, we understand. That’s why there’s a live stream.
The easiest way to join our online gathering is by visiting our mobile website: About 5-10 minutes before our worship begins you will see the live stream on that website. You don’t need to log in or have special equipment. If your phone, tablet or computer can see websites, you can join us.
And we hope you will! You matter to the family of God.