Kelsey 150 t-shirt design contest
Calling all Kelsey Kids! Be a part of our church celebrating our 150th anniversary! The winning design will be placed on the front of the Kelsey 150th t-shirt for everyone to purchase during our anniversary event in November. We want all our Kelsey Kids to submit their creative ideas for a great t-shirt!

- Open to any child K-5th who ever has been a part of Kelsey
- One design per child
- Include a reference to 150th anniversary
- Design must be original
- Design must celebrate our church anniversary
- A Bible passage and our Kelsey logo will be used for the back of the t-shirt.
Use these questions to think about your design:
- How does being a part of Kelsey make you feel?
- What do you love most about Kelsey?
- How excited are you about celebrating a 150th church anniversary?
All designs will be used for another special project!
Deadline to submit your design is Sunday, August 7, 2022. We’ll announce the prize for contest winner soon.