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  • Road to DeMASKus

    It’s still seems so strange.  Our church canceled in-person worship for an extended time. Of course, it was the best thing for us to do.  Later, we opened the sanctuary […]

  • Ministry updates, March 2022

    NURUTURE, OUTREACH AND WITNESS We began hosting in-person Conversations in Prayer Sunday evenings in Lent. There have been between 15-35 people each week. A prayer service is scheduled for Wednesday, […]

  • Mad at the will of God

    BIBLICAL REFLECTION Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32 Summarize the passage by asking Who? What? When? Where? Why? PERSONAL REFLECTION Are you more like the prodigal or the older brother? What mayhem is […]

  • Seeking the Will of God

    BIBLICAL REFLECTION Luke 13:31-35 Summarize the passage by asking Who? What? When? Where? Why? PERSONAL REFLECTION What mayhem are you facing lately? What mayhem is your church facing? Where on […]

  • He won’t see it coming

    Over the last few weeks, Bishop Schnase has put a few videos online. It’s good to hear from our bishop. Here’s the latest video he published on our conference website. […]

  • Learning God’s Will

    BIBLICAL REFLECTION Luke 4:1-13 Summarize the passage by asking Who? What? When? Where? Why? PERSONAL REFLECTION What does the temptation Jesus faced teach you about your life? Why was Jesus […]